Social Spaces
The heart and soul of a living community, these are spaces to
socialize with your fellow alterhumans!
Discord servers
- A directory of alterhuman social servers, run by yours truly!
It is still very early in development (I started it back in
2023, and immediately after became preoccupied with eight solid
months of unemployment) but hopefully before long it will be the
best place to find alterhuman discord servers!
- The off-season server for the online convention Othercon, and
a generally active and friendly place for all kinds of
Voluntary Identity
- A server for those with voluntary identities such as
- A therianthropy-focused forum that does allow other forms of
alterhumans to participate in discussion. Although most of the
forum is not visible without an account, it's still easy to tell
right away that this forum continues to be active decades after
its founding.
- A forum for dragons with lots of community events and
The Daemon Forum
- The forum for The Daemon Pages. While daemonism may not be
itself a form of alterhumanity, the communities are closely
intertwined; the term hearttype was originally coined by a
daemian, for example.
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